Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Brand new blog...

Well, this is it. I am going to start a brand new blog. Why would I do this, when I already have a Xanga I never use, and a Facebook where I post rants that only ONU peeps, if anyone at all, will enjoy? I really do love to write, and I've been getting lots of "heavy" ideas lately, and I want a way to convey, I want a more consistent and actual blog...something "professional" which I will fill with profanity, drinking stories, and unedited rants.

This is one of those spur of the moment ideas, like forming a Kevin Federline cover band or telling an out-of-league girl that she's sexy, that a person will probably be embarassed about later. But I am commited. I am dedicated. I will use this blog. Here are the rules...oh wait, I don't really dig rules, so here are three foundations.

1.) I will write on all kinds of topics for all kinds of audiences. Some posts might be boring or stupid, others might be mindblowing. I will discuss the sacred and profane, the funny and sad, the heavy and the mundane....

2.)...but most of all, I will express myself and will try my damndest to create something you'll want to read.

3.) Comments are much appreciated. If you took the time to read, I appreciate you and want to hear from you! Anyone from anywhere can comment a Blogspot blog (why I chose this site!), so please leave some kind of comment. It can be anything. Whether it's "good point", "right on", the more likely "what the hell are you talking about?", or even the highly unlikely "I'm sex-starved and you're really hot".

Welcome aboard, dear readers.

Peace and God bless,
Nick Fed

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