Sunday, February 4, 2007

Philosophy, Superbowl, Theatre, Courtesy Vans....

Wow, that title is a mouthful. I basically wanted to do seperate blog entries for each item, but I've been really busy (and my soul will be consumed by Twelth Night for the next week) so I'm gonna write a little bit about each item. But first....some heavy stuff.

-Today I ordered Padrones' breadsticks with Marinara sauce. Delicious. I did the usual thing of dipping in the sauce before each bite...and then I took a bite of plain bread by itself. I was struck by the warmth of the dough, its softness, the grease on my fingers....I realized that although the sauce adds something, there's also a benefit to isolating a specific small thing and appreciating it as it is. It should be like that with all of life. We tend to fill up with so many different obligations and activities, creating a crazy "mix" of "flavors"...but do we ever appreciate the small things? How much do we fail to appreciate even the things we hate like walking in the wind or climbing out of bed? Let the web of implications unfold....

-Speaking of the web of implications, I've been working with BJ and Greg from the famous Enough for our performance of Shakespeare's 12th Night. We're basically performing the original Shakespeare, but in a 1960s setting with a backing band, and some sweet new original 60s style songs by Jon Negus. He's actually flown to ONU to help us with the material. It's been really busy but it's also a blast. When I was in our first long rehearsal on Saturday, I remembered why I love the theatre. People hanging out and wisecracking and doing whatever they can to survive extensive rehearsals. It's always a great time. Now if only I could act...

-Ah, the Superbowl. What can be said? I didn't get to see much of the game because of the aforementioned rehearsal. I'm a Bears fan, but I knew realistically the Colts would dominate them. Great defense or not, Grossman's inconsistency was gonna be the death of Da Bears eventually. Oh well. We made it to the Big Game, for the first time in a while, and now we're prepped to go again next year! The only bad part is now I have to hear the Colts get sucked off by the press (and their fans) this whole week.

-One thing our school did re: the Superbowl that made me smile was our cafeteria menu. They had two lines, Bears (Chicago-style chili dogs) vs. Colts (country chicken + mashed potatoes). I also got a fuzzy feeling today when I read our school was offering courtesy vans that you could call to take you from your dorm to class, avoiding the freezing wind. Our school is so heartwarmingly nice sometimes. I love this place.

If music be the food of love, play on!

Peace and God bless,
Nick Fed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...regarding your blog, generally. I am delighted to see that you recommend Brian Wilson's SMiLE. It is a must-listen for anyone. Please don't forget Pet Sounds. Brian's heart is ripped wide open for listeners to see on this one. Your Friend, Roy