Sunday, March 4, 2007

How I spent my spring break....

The jubilation I felt when I got in my Mazda 3 and fled ONU campus for spring break was an indescribable rush of non-substance-induced ecstasy. Although I love college life (and this quarter afforded me wild opportunities ranging from partying with Argentinans to playing guitar in a 1960s version of Shakespeare)....all things (and quarters) must come to an end, thank God. No more sleeping through my 9 o clock, no more discussions on things I haven't read....I cranked up Talking Heads' "Once in a Lifetime" and Mogwai's "Yes! I am a long way from home" and blasted down US-30, using my skills and experience to spot and avoid those nasty speed traps.

So what did I do with my time in Kalamazoo? Well, I didn't do anything too earth shattering or exciting, but I still think it was a worthwhile break. Essentially, shitty weather and feeling sick conspired to keep me chillin at home...either I was too worn out and tired or the roads were too bad and I tended to not want to go anywhere. I did get to work a LOT in ProTools. I did get to see my old friend Pastor Mike and hear about his mission trips, got to jam with my priest (yes, you read it right!), got to see Josh and Brian for a bit, and got to go to the blues bar.

That said, I feel like break came and went really fast and I didn't get a chance to see everyone I wanted to. (That's part of why I'm glad I'm coming back to K-town next weekend get my money's worth on this "time at home" thing). Yet I am hopeful and not depressed. Why? Because of some things I learned over break. I had some interesting conversations (and arguments) with my folks about how I sometimes tend to drag myself down with negativity and doubt. Long story short, the conclusion I have reached is that even though shit happens and some pretty depressing failures loom in the past, I don't have to make myself miserable.

I can choose today whether to dwell on failures of the past or to instead look ahead to what I can do right now. And right now I am choosing to look on the bright side. Tommorow morning begins a new quarter. New classes, new chances to actually study, new chances to really appreciate my friends, new chances to jam, a new cell phone that WORKS and will get activateds soon, new chances to focus on all the good things in my life, new chances to thank God for the fact that there is much in the world to be thankful for, and that I am alive in it.

Peace and God bless,

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