Thursday, March 15, 2007

rock and roll

I can't stand when I still occasionally hear relgious fundies talk about rock as "the devil's music" or "fleshy music" or "the empty music of the world". I see rock as a very spiritual and positive thing. When I listen to "When the Levee Breaks" or "Us and Them" or "Jump", I don't think, "Gee, this song makes me want to disregard the people around me and live arrogantly for myself with selfish actions!" A good song makes me want to strive upwards, appreciate the beauty of life, and get more in touch with the love of God and the universe. And isn't that a good thing?

1 comment:

Viatecio said...

Interestingly enough, there's been a recent to-do about rap music in my hometown newspaper. Mostly one side complaining that it's all about the booty and sex, the other side saying that "The Real Message Is Always Positive" ( ). I was given the "metal music = SATAN" lecture once when I was younger, then my parents seemed to understand that that didn't stop me. I like to say that I was born with metal music in my blood. Either way, music is what you make of it...unfortunately, some have decided to make it their enemy. I feel sorry for these people and what they're missing.