Sunday, April 1, 2007

Critique of Fall Out Boy's Single Based On One Full Listen in My Car one paragraph.

I've heard bits of the song, "This Ain't A Scene, It's an Arms Race" at miscellaneous parties (meaning I just heard muffled noise and maybe a little bass) but I finally was "priveleged" with a full listen on my car radio. When I first heard the danceable verse beat, and the shallow-yet-catchy lyrics about words and weapons, I was engaged. Even the yelled title section, with its snarky wit and its unnecessary use of the Lord's name in vain, gets in your head and makes you want to yell along. Then it all was ruined. The chorus hit me. That stupid BOOM BOOM CHA double beat which I hate (except in the context of At the Drive In or me drumming it myself as a joke) came up. Why, oh why? That thumping bass drum, like the heart beat of a whining emo's so CLICHE! It makes me want to jump into a mosh pit, not to feel the energy of the song, but to instead beat the ass of whoever supports the idea for that damn beat.

Final Grade of Song : B minus

Peace and God bless,
Nick Fed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to completely agree with this. I just whored the cd from one of my friends, and while it's an improvement of their past crappy stuff, it's like c'mon guys.

ps facebook pic = prophecy fulfilled.