Sunday, April 15, 2007

Profound Revelation: Part 1

This idea came to me as I was trying to nap, and I had to get up and write it down.

In terms of the most exaggerated, cookie cutter, lame junior high stereotypes, you have the "jocks" and the "nerds". The attractive, socially adept, cool kids vs. the less-adept kids who are fucking geniuses in creativity or thought. I was a nerd. I'm still learning to accept that. But that's not the point.
Let's think about how (male) members of these two groups might insult each other in stirring up a fight. In this corner, we have the jock with the sexy girlfriend, good slang, and cool status. What would someone stereotype him for lacking and tease him about? They'd call the jock a dumbass, leaping to the foolish conclusion that they must be totally stupid.
In this corner, we have the nerd who may or may not be up to par socially, but who lacks the clout of his jock-y counterpart in spite of brilliant mental capacity and a very deep way of seeing the world. How do you insult the nerd? Call him on his nerdiness; point out that he lacks a hot girl, a social life and mad hoop skillz.
The nerds insult the jocks by saying the jocks lack smart cred, which the nerds have and the jocks want. The jocks insult the nerds by saying the nerds lack social cred, which the jocks have and the nerd wants.
In conclusion, each person wants what the other person has, and not what they already possess.

1 comment:

Viatecio said...

"If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us."
-Hermann Hesse

Hence, quite possibly, why those who are completely secure in themselves are not insulted when reminded of what they don't have.